
Monday, October 20, 2014

Korean Variety Show "Hello Counsellor": Yoseob talks about saving fellow B2ST member Hyunseung

B2ST made a guest appearance on the October 20 installment of KBS 2TV's 'Hello'  where Yoseob relayed a sweet message to fellow member Hyunseung during the 'video message' portion.
It was brought up that a previous time the boys were on the show (back on August 27, 2012), Yoseob had created a heartfelt moment by tearfully showing his gratitude towards Kikwang for all the help during his difficult training period. As we know that Kpop world is sure hard.

This time, Yoseob wanted to relay a message to another member.  He said, "Hyunseung, it has already been five years since we debuted.  I'm not sure you remember.  Just like how Kikwang saved me, I saved you," making everybody burst into laughter.  It looks like he wants some thanks this time around!  

He continued, "When you were overly anxious auditioning here and there, I was the one who contacted you and found places for you to audition.  I wish for the next five, fifty years, we will be together as B2ST."

Check out the aw-worthy moment below!


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